Title | Year | Author |
General Theory of Natural Equivalences | 1942 | Samuel Eilenberg; Saunders Mac Lane |
A Decision Method for Elementary Algebra and Geometry | 1948 | Alfred Tarski |
A Mathematical Theory of Communication | 1948 | C. E. Shannon |
A New Interpretation of Information Rate | 1956 | J. L. Kelly, Jr. |
On the Acoustics of Cocktail Parties | 1958 | William R. MacLean |
On the Performing Arts: The Anatomy of Their Economic Problems | 1965 | W. J. Baumol; W. G. Bowen |
On the Complexity of Derivation in Propositional Calculus | 1966 | G. S. Tseitin [Tseytin] |
Applications of Negative Dimensional Tensors | 1971 | Roger Penrose |
BLISS: A Language for Systems Programming | 1971 | W.A. Wulf; D.B. Russell; A.N. Habermann |
Complements and transitive closures | 1972 | R.L. Graham; D.E. Knuth; T.S. Motzkin |
Polynomial Evaluation via the division algorithm: the fast Fourier transform revisited | 1972 | Charles M. Fiduccia |
The intersection graphs of subtrees in trees are exactly the chordal graphs | 1973 | Fǎnicǎ Gavril |
A New Algorithm For Finding Weak Components | 1974 | Robert Endre Tarjan |
Self-stabilizing Systems in Spite of Distributed Control | 1974 | Edsger W. Dijkstra |
Structured Programming with go to Statements | 1974 | Donald E. Knuth |
An Analysis of Alpha-Beta Pruning | 1975 | Donald E. Knuth; Ronald W. Moore |
On the Complexity of Timetable and Multicommodity Flow Problems | 1975 | S. Even; A. Itai; A. Shamir |
Agreeing to Disagree | 1976 | Robert J. Aumann |
The COMFY 6502 Compiler | 1976 | Henry G. Baker |
On-the-Fly Garbage Collection: An Exercise in Cooperation | 1978 | Leslie Lamport |
State the Problem Before Describing the Solution | 1978 | Leslie Lamport |
System Level Concurrency Control for Distributed Database Systems | 1978 | Daniel J. Rosenkrantz; Richard E. Stearns; Philip M. Lewis II |
Time, Clocks, and the Ordering of Events in a Distributed System | 1978 | Leslie Lamport |
Synchronization with Eventcounts and Sequencers | 1979 | David P. Reed; Rajendra K. Kanodia |
Concurrency Control in a System for Distributed Databases (SDD-1) | 1980 | Philip A. Bernstein; David W. Shipman; James B. Rothnie, Jr. |
SCOUT: A Simple Game-Searching Algorithm With Proven Optimal Properties | 1980 | Judea Pearl |
Concurrency Control in Distributed Database Systems | 1981 | Philip A. Bernstein; Nathan Goodman |
Efficient Locking for Concurrent Operations on B-Trees | 1981 | Philip L. Lehman; S. Bing Yao |
Wait-Free Synchronization | 1981 | Maurice Herlihy |
The Analysis of Linear Probing Sort by the Use of a New Mathematical Transform | 1982 | Gaston H. Gonnet; J. Ian Munro |
Implementing Atomic Actions on Decentralized Data | 1983 | David P. Reed |
An Implicit Data Structure for the Dictionary Problem that Runs in Polylog Time | 1984 | J. Ian Munro |
End-to-End Arguments in System Design | 1984 | J.H. Saltzer; D.P. Reed; D.D. Clark |
Exploiting Regularities in Large Cellular Spaces | 1984 | R. Wm. Gosper |
Negative Probability | 1984 | Richard P. Feynman |
Distributed Snapshots: Determining Global States of Distributed Systems | 1985 | K. Mani Chandy; Leslie Lamport |
Impossibility of Distributed Consensus with One Faulty Process | 1985 | Michael J. Fischer; Nancy A. Lynch; Michael S. Paterson |
On Generator Matrices of MDS Codes | 1985 | Ron M. Roth; Gadiel Seroussi |
Data Parallel Algorithms | 1986 | W. Daniel Hillis; Guy L. Steele, Jr. |
Linear Logic | 1986 | Jean-Yves GIRARD |
Linear Logic_text | 1986 | Jean-Yves GIRARD |
Mutual exclusion in partitioned distributed systems | 1986 | Daniel Barbara; Hector Garcia-Molina |
Planar Point Location Using Persistent Search Trees | 1986 | Neil Sarnak; Robert E. Tarjan |
The Complexity of Optimization Problems | 1986 | Mark W. Krentel |
A Sample of Brilliance | 1987 | Jon Bentley; Bob Floyd |
On Distributed Snapshots | 1987 | Ten H. LAI; Tao H. YANG |
Serializability with Constraints | 1987 | Toshihide Ibaraki; Tiko Kameda; Toshimi Minoura |
Structural Regular Expressions | 1987 | Rob Pike |
How to Construct Pseudorandom Permutations from Pseudorandom Functions | 1988 | Michael Luby; Charles Rackoff |
Nondeterministic Space is Closed Under Complementation | 1988 | Neil Immerman |
The Strong Law of Small Numbers | 1988 | Richard K. Guy |
A Hundred Impossibility Proofs for Distributed Consensus | 1989 | Nancy Lynch |
Io: a new programming notation | 1989 | Raphael L. Levien |
Space-efficient Static Trees and Graphs | 1989 | Guy Jacobson |
A Fast Algorithm for Optimal Length-Limited Huffman Codes | 1990 | Lawrence L. Larmore; Daniel S. Hirschberg |
Linearizability: A Correctness Condition for Concurrent Objects | 1990 | Maurice P. Herlihy; Jeannette M. Wing |
Sharing Memory Robustly in Message-Passing Systems | 1990 | Hagit Attiya; Amotz Bar-Noy; Danny Dolev |
Shallow Binding Makes Functional Arrays Fast | 1991 | Henry G. Baker |
Implementing lazy functional languages on stock hardware: the Spineless Tagless G-machine | 1992 | Simon L Peyton Jones |
The state complexities of some basic operations on regular languages | 1992 | Sheng Yu; Qingyu Zhuang; Kai Salomaa |
A Primer on Galois Connections | 1993 | M. Erné; J. Koslowski; A. Melton; G. E. Strecker |
A Theory of Coteries: Mutual Exclusion in Distributed Systems | 1993 | Toshihide Ibaraki; Tiko Kameda |
An Efficient Representation for Sparse Sets | 1993 | Preston Briggs; Linda Torczon |
Fair Games and Full Completeness for Multiplicative Linear Logic without the MIX-Rule | 1993 | J. M. E. Hyland; C.-H. L. Ong |
Games and Full Completeness for Multiplicative Linear Logic | 1993 | Samson Abramsky; Radha Jagadeesan |
Optimal Speedup of Las Vegas Algorithms | 1993 | Michael Luby; Alistair Sinclair; David Zuckerman |
A New Paradigm for Minimax Search | 1994 | Aske Plaat; Jonathan Schaeffer; Wim Pijls; Arie de Bruin |
Division by three | 1994 | Peter G. Doyle; John Horton Conway |
On proof and progress in mathematics | 1994 | William P. Thurston |
Seven Trees in One | 1994 | Andreas Blass |
The perception of rhythm in language | 1994 | Anne Cutler |
A Pixel Is Not A Little Square | 1995 | Alvy Ray Smith |
Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition - an Introduction | 1995 | Mats Jirstrand |
Increasing the Resilience of Atomic Commit, at No Additional Cost | 1995 | Idit Keidar; Danny Dolev |
Revisiting the relationship between non-blocking atomic commitment and consensus | 1995 | Rachid Guerraoui |
A constructive game semantics for the language of linear logic | 1996 | Giorgi Japaridze |
Byzantine quorum systems | 1996 | Dahlia Malkhi; Michael Reiter |
GRASP -- A New Search Algorithm for Satisfiability | 1996 | João P. Marques Silva; Karem A. Sakallah |
How to Build a Highly Available System Using Consensus | 1996 | Butler W. Lampson |
LL and LR Translators Need k > 1 Lookahead | 1996 | Terence J. Parr; Russell W. Quong |
Parallel Collision Search with Cryptanalytic Applications | 1996 | Paul C. van Oorschot; Michael J. Wiener |
Unreliable Failure Detectors for Reliable Distributed Systems | 1996 | Tushar Deepak Chandra; Sam Toueg |
A Compacting Garbage Collector for Unidirectional Heaps | 1997 | Ken Boortz; Dan Sahlin |
COMFY -- A Comfortable Set of Control Primitives for Machine Language Programming | 1997 | Henry G. Baker |
Calculus for mathematicians | 1997 | D. J. Bernstein |
Composition: A Way to Make Proofs Harder | 1997 | Leslie Lamport |
On the Implementation of Minimum Redundancy Prefix Codes | 1997 | Alistair Moffat; Andrew Turpin |
Recursion from cyclic sharing: traced monoidal categories and models of cyclic lambda calculi | 1997 | Masahito Hasegawa |
An Overview of Query Optimization in Relational Systems | 1998 | Surajit Chaudhuri |
Lazy Functional Algorithms for Exact Real Functionals | 1998 | Alex K. Simpson |
On the Visualisation of Differential Forms | 1998 | Dan Piponi |
The Part-Time Parliament | 1998 | Leslie Lamport |
Feline: Fast Elliptical Lines for Anisotropic Texture Mapping | 1999 | Joel McCormack; Ronald Perry; Keith I. Farkas; Norman P. Jouppi |
On Lowest Density MDS Codes | 1999 | Mario Blaum; Ron M. Roth |
Succinct Representation of Balanced Parentheses, Static Trees and Planar Graphs | 1999 | J. Ian Munro; Venkatesh Raman |
Accurate binding-time analysis for imperative languages: flow, context, and return sensitivity | 2000 | Luke Hornof; Jacques Noyé |
Compiler Construction -- The Art of Niklaus Wirth | 2000 | Hanspeter Mössenböck |
Dancing Links | 2000 | Donald E. Knuth |
Generalized Isolation Level Definitions | 2000 | Atul Adya; Barbara Liskov; Patrick O'Neil |
Generation of LR Parsers by Partial Evaluation | 2000 | Michael Sperber; Peter Thiemann |
Chaff: Engineering an Efficient SAT Solver | 2001 | Matthew W. Moskewicz; Conor F. Madigan; Ying Zhao; Lintao Zhang; Sharad Malik |
Hard Sync Without Aliasing | 2001 | Eli Brandt |
Multidigit multiplication for mathematicians | 2001 | Daniel J. Bernstein |
Paxos Made Simple | 2001 | Leslie Lamport |
The ABCD's of Paxos | 2001 | Butler W. Lampson |
The Power of Two Random Choices: A Survey of Techniques and Results | 2001 | Michael Mitzenmacher; Andréa W. Richa; Rameh Sitaraman |
A New Algorithm for Decoding Reed-Solomon Codes | 2002 | Shuhong Gao |
Compactness and Continuity, Constructively Revisited | 2002 | Douglas Bridges; Hajima Ishihara; Peter Schuster |
Disk Paxos | 2002 | Eli Gafni; Leslie Lamport |
Efficient Pattern-Matching with Don't Cares | 2002 | Adam Kalai |
Using Tensor Diagrams to Represent and Solve Geometric Problems | 2002 | James F. Blinn |
Backjumping is Exception Handling | 2003 | Ed Robbins; Andy King; Jacob M. Howe |
Dynamic Ordered Sets with Exponential Search Trees | 2003 | Arne Andersson; Mikkel Thorup |
Obstruction-Free Synchronization: Double-Ended Queues as an Example | 2003 | Maurice Herlihy; Victor Luchangco; Mark Moir |
Simple Linear Work Suffix Array Construction | 2003 | Juka Kärkkäinen; Peter Sanders |
A Read-Only Transaction Anomaly Under Snapshot Isolation | 2004 | Alan Fekete; Elizabeth O'Neil; Patrick O'neil |
A Unified Theory of Garbage Collection | 2004 | David F. Bacon; Perry Cheng; V.T. Rajan |
An Extensible SAT-solver | 2004 | Niklas Eén; Niklas Sörensson |
Cheap Paxos | 2004 | Leslie Lamport; Mike Massa |
Consensus on Transaction Commit | 2004 | Jim Gray; Leslie Lamport |
DPLL(T): Fast Decision Procedures | 2004 | Harald Ganzinger; George Hagen; Robert Nieuwenhuis; Albert Oliveras; Cesare T... |
Hazard Pointers: Safe Memory Reclamation for Lock-Free Objects | 2004 | Maged M. Michael |
Practical lock-freedom | 2004 | Keir Fraser |
Row-Diagonal Parity for Double Disk Failure Correction | 2004 | Peter Corbett; Bob English; Atul Goel; Tomislav Grcanac; Steven Kleiman; Jame... |
Synthetic topology of data types and classical spaces | 2004 | Martín Escardó |
Visibly Pushdown Languages | 2004 | Rajeev Alur; P. Madhusudan |
A SAT Solver Primer | 2005 | David G. Mitchell |
Abstract DPLL and Abstract DPLL Modulo Theories | 2005 | Robert Nieuwenhuis; Albert Oliveras; Cesare Tinelli |
Alternatives to Two Classic Data Structures | 2005 | Chris Okasaki |
Fast Paxos | 2005 | Leslie Lamport |
Half of a Coin: Negative Probabilities | 2005 | Gábor J. Székely |
In-Place Calculation of Minimum-Redundancy Codes | 2005 | Alistair Moffat; Jyrki Katajainen |
One Pass Real-Time Generational Mark-Sweep Garbage Collection | 2005 | Joe Armstrong; Robert Virding |
Optimizing Cauchy Reed-Solomon Codes for Fault-Tolerant Storage Applications | 2005 | James S. Plank |
The dual of concatenation | 2005 | Alexander Okhotin |
What is... a Gröbner Basis? | 2005 | Bernd Sturmfels |
100 years of Zermelo's axiom of choice: what was the problem with it? | 2006 | Per Martin-Löf |
Bigtable: A Distributed Storage System for Structured Data | 2006 | Fay Chang; Jeffrey Dean; Sanjay Ghemawat; Wilson C. Hsieh; Deborah A. Wallach... |
Diagonal Arguments and Cartesian Closed Categories | 2006 | F. William Lawvere |
On the Impossibility of Efficiently Combining Collision Resistant Hash Functions | 2006 | Dan Boneh; Xavier Boyen |
Solving SAT and SAT Modulo Theories: from an Abstract Davis-Putnam-Logemann-Loveland Procedure to DPLL(T) | 2006 | Robert Nieuwenhuis; Albert Oliveras; Cesare Tinelli |
Synthetic Differential Geometry | 2006 | Michael Shulman |
The SMART Way to Migrate Replicated Stateful Services | 2006 | Jacob R. Lorch; Atul Adya; William J. Bolosky; Ronnie Chaiken; John R. Douceu... |
Dialectica and Chu Constructions: Cousins? | 2007 | Valeria de Paiva |
Faster Laziness Using Dynamic Pointer Tagging | 2007 | Simon Marlow; Alexey Rodriguez Yakushev; Simon Peyton Jones |
Infinite sets that admit fast exhaustive search | 2007 | Martín Escardó |
Paxos Made Live - An Engineering Perspective | 2007 | Tushar Chandra; Robert Griesemer; Joshua Redstone |
Robust Energy-Efficient Adder Topologies | 2007 | Dinesh Patil; Omid Azizi; Mark Horowitz; Ron Ho; Rajesh Ananthraman |
Some Classes of Invertible Matrices in GF(2) | 2007 | James S. Plank; Adam L. Buchsbaum |
The tangent FFT | 2007 | Daniel J. Bernstein |
A beginner's guide to forcing | 2008 | Timothy Y. Chow |
Compact Dictionaries for Variable-Length Keys and Data, with Applications | 2008 | Daniel K. Blandford; Guy E. Blelloch |
Conflict-Driven Clause Learning SAT Solvers | 2008 | Joao Marques-Silva; Ines Lynce; Sharad Malik |
Differential Forms and Integration | 2008 | Terence Tao |
Mencius: Building Efficient Replicated State Machines for WANs | 2008 | Yanhua Mao; Flavio P. Junqueira; Keith Marzullo |
On Asymptotic Notation with Multiple Variables | 2008 | Rodney R. Howell |
Parsing Mixfix Operators | 2008 | Nils Anders Danielsson; Ulf Norell |
Succincter | 2008 | Mihai Pătraşcu |
Deletion Without Rebalancing in Multiway Search Trees | 2009 | Siddhartha Sen; Robert E. Tarjan |
Extending SAT Solvers to Cryptographic Problems | 2009 | Mate Soos; Karsten Nohl; Claude Castelluccia |
Hash, displace, and compress | 2009 | Djamal Belazzougui; Fabiano C. Botelho; Martin Dietzfelbinger |
Improving OLTP concurrency through Early Lock Release | 2009 | Manos Athanassoulis; Ryan Johnson; Anastasia Ailamaki; Radu Stoica |
Minimizing Learned Clauses | 2009 | Niklas Sörensson; Armin Biere |
Nucleus: Towards a Unified Dynamics Solver for Computer Graphics | 2009 | Jos Stam |
Physics, Topology, Logic and Computation: A Rosetta Stone | 2009 | John C. Baez; Mike Stay |
Successful SAT Encoding Techniques | 2009 | Magnus Björk |
Two Tricks for the Price of One: Linear Filters and their Transposes | 2009 | Dan Piponi |
Vertical Paxos and Primary-Backup Replication | 2009 | Leslie Lamport; Dahlia Malkhi; Lidong Zhou |
A general theory of self-similarity | 2010 | Tom Leinster |
An Exploration of Optimization Algorithms and Heuristics for the Creation of Encoding and Decoding Sch... | 2010 | Catherine D. Schuman |
Antichain Algorithms for Finite Automata | 2010 | Laurent Doyen; Jean-François Raskin |
Classical Mathematics for a Constructive World | 2010 | Russell O'Connor |
Experiments on Union-Find Algorithms for the Disjoint-Set Data Structure | 2010 | Md. Mostofa Ali Patwary; Jean Blair; Fredrik Manne |
Flat Combining and the Synchronization-Parallelism Tradeoff | 2010 | Danny Hendler; Itai Incze; Nir Shavit; Moran Tzafrir |
Species and Functors and Types, Oh My! | 2010 | Brent A. Yorgey |
The Galois Connection between Syntax and Semantics | 2010 | Peter Smith |
Between Restarts and Backjumps | 2011 | Antonio Ramos; Peter van der Tak; Marijn Heule |
Division Algebras and Quantum Theory | 2011 | John C. Baez |
Efficient Algorithms on Sequence Binary Decision Diagrams for Manipulating Sets of Strings | 2011 | Shuhei Denzumi; Ryo Yoshinaka; Shin-ichi Minato; Hiroki Arimura |
Empirical Study of the Anatomy of Modern Sat Solvers | 2011 | Hadi Katebi; Karem A. Sakallah; João P. Marques-Silva |
Fast brief practical DFA minimization | 2011 | Antti Valmari |
Laws of Order: Expensive Synchronization in Concurrent Algorithms Cannot be Eliminated | 2011 | Hagit Attiya; Rachid Guerraoui; Danny Hendler; Petr Kuznetsov; Maged M. Micha... |
Mathematizing C++ Concurrency | 2011 | Mark Batty; Scott Owens; Susmit Sarkar; Peter Sewell; Tjark Weber |
Megastore: Providing Scalable, Highly Available Storage for Interactive Services | 2011 | Jason Baker; Chris Bond; James C. Corbett; JJ Furman; Andrey Khorlin; James L... |
Minimalism in Cryptography: The Even-Mansour Scheme Revisited | 2011 | Orr Dunkelman; Nathan Keller; Adi Shamir |
Modern B-Tree Techniques | 2011 | Goetz Graefe |
Notes on Sequence Binary Decision Diagrams: Relationship to Acyclic Automata and Complexities of Binar... | 2011 | Shuhei Denzumi; Ryo Yoshinaka; Hiroki Arimura; Shin-ichi Minato |
Relational Transducers for Declarative Networking | 2011 | Tom J. Ameloot; Frank Neven; Jan Van den Bussche |
Semi-Indexing Semi-Structured Data in Tiny Space | 2011 | Giuseppe Ottaviano; Roberto Grossi |
Understanding POWER Multiprocessors | 2011 | Susmit Sarkar; Peter Sewell; Jade Alglave; Luc Maranget; Derek Williams |
XOR's, Lower Bounds and MDS Codes for Storage | 2011 | James S. Plank |
A Critique of Snapshot Isolation | 2012 | Daniel Gómez Ferro; Maysam Yabandeh |
Calvin: Fast Distributed Transactions for Partitioned Database Systems | 2012 | Alexander Thomson; Thaddeus Diamond; Shu-Chun Weng; Kun Ren; Philip Shao; Dan... |
Non-uniform cracks in the concrete: the power of free precomputation | 2012 | Daniel J. Bernstein; Tanja Lange |
Rethinking set theory | 2012 | Tom Leinster |
Spanner: Google's Globally-Distributed Database | 2012 | James C. Corbett; Jeffrey Dean; Michael Epstein; Andrew Fikes; Christopher Fr... |
Viewstamped Replication Revisited | 2012 | Barbara Liskov; James Cowling |
A Model-Constructing Satisfiability Calculus | 2013 | Leonardo de Moura; Dejan Jovanović |
A Piggybacking Design Framework for Read-and Download-efficient Distributed Storage Codes | 2013 | K. V. Rashmi; Nihar B. Shah; Kanna Ramchandran |
Are Lock-Free Concurrent Algorithms Practically Wait-Free? | 2013 | Dan Alistarh; Keren Censor-Hillel; Nir Shavit |
Copysets: Reducing the Frequency of Data Loss in Cloud Storage | 2013 | Asaf Cidon; Stephen M. Rumble; Ryan Stutsman; Sachin Katti; John Ousterhout; ... |
Hekaton: SQL Server's Memory-Optimized OLTP Engine | 2013 | Cristian Diaconu; Craig Freedman; Erik Ismert; Per-Åke Larson; Pravin Mittal;... |
Leapfrog Triejoin: A Simple, Worst-Case Optimal Join Algorithm | 2013 | Todd L. Veldhuizen |
Most Tensor Problems are NP-Hard | 2013 | Christopher J. Hillar; Lek-Heng Lim |
SD Codes: Erasure Codes Designed for How Storage Systems Really Fail | 2013 | James S. Plank; Mario Blaum; James L. Hafner |
Space-Efficient Data Structures for Collections of Textual Data | 2013 | Giuseppe Ottaviano |
Sparse-Sets for Domain Implementation | 2013 | Vianney le Clément de Saint-Marcq; Pierre Chaus; Christine Solnon; Christophe... |
Techniques of BDD/ZDD: Brief History and Recent Activity | 2013 | Shin-ichi MINATO |
The Design and Implementation of the Model Constructing Satisfiability Calculus | 2013 | Dejan Jovanović; Clark Barrett; Leonardo de Moura |
Asymmetric numeral systems: entropy coding combining speed of Huffman coding with compression rate of ... | 2014 | Jarek Duda |
Disjoint Set Union with Randomized Linking | 2014 | Ashish Goel; Sanjeev Khanna; Daniel H. Larkin; Robert E. Tarjan |
Don't stack your Log on my Log | 2014 | Jingpei Yang; Ned Plasson; Greg Gillis; Nisha Talagala; Swaminathan Sundraraman |
From Parametricity to Conservation Laws, via Noether's Theorem | 2014 | Robert Atkey |
In Search of an Understandable Consensus Algorithm (Extended Version) | 2014 | Diego Ongaro; John Ousterhout |
Making Sense of Relativistic Distributed Systems | 2014 | Seth Gilbert; Wojciech Golab |
Efficient Regular Expression Matching Method Using ZBDDs | 2014 | Shinobu Nagayama |
The IntSat method for Integer Linear Programming | 2014 | Robert Nieuwenhuis |
The SPEKE Protocol Revisited | 2014 | Feng Hao; Siamak F. Shahandashti |
Towards Ultra Rapid Restarts | 2014 | Shai Haim; Marijn Heule |
Array Layouts for Comparison-Based Searching | 2015 | Paul-Virak Khuong; Pat Morin |
Building Consistent Transactions with Inconsistent Replication | 2015 | Irene Zhang; Naveen Kr. Sharma; Adriana Szekeres; Arvind Krishnamurthy; Dan R... |
Constant-Time Sliding Window Aggregation | 2015 | Kanat Tangwongsan; Martin Hirzel; Scott Schneider |
Kangaroo Methods for Solving the Interval Discrete Logarithm Problem | 2015 | Alex Fowler |
Learning Regular Languages via Alternating Automata | 2015 | Dana Angluin; Sarah Eisenstat; Dana Fisman |
Paxos Made Moderately Complex | 2015 | Robbert van Renesse; Deniz Altınbüken |
SATGraf: Visualizing the Evolution of SAT Formula Structure in Solvers | 2015 | Zack Newsham; William Lindsay; Vijay Ganesh; Jia Hui Liang; Sebastian Fischme... |
Scalability! But at what COST? | 2015 | Frank McSherry; Michael Isard; Derek G. Murray |
Shape Decomposition for Multi-channel Distance Fields | 2015 | Viktor Chlumský |
Solving Exists/Forall Problems With Yices | 2015 | Bruno Dutertre |
A Wait-free Queue as Fast as Fetch-and-Add | 2016 | Chaoran Yang; John Mellor-Crummey |
BBR: Congestion-Based Congestion Control | 2016 | Neal Cardwell; Yuchung Cheng; C. Stephen Gunn; Soheil Hassas Yeganeh; Van Jac... |
Consistency in Non-Transactional Distributed Storage Systems | 2016 | Paolo Viotti; Marko Vukolić |
Flexible Paxos: Quorum Intersection Revisited | 2016 | Heidi Howard; Dahlia Malkhi; Alexander Spiegelman |
Improving SAT Solvers by Exploiting Empirical Characteristics of CDCL | 2016 | Chanseok Oh |
Just Say NO to Paxos Overhead: Replacing Consensus with Network Ordering | 2016 | Jialin Li; Ellis Michael; Naveen Kr. Sharma; Adrianna Szekeres; Dan R. K. Ports |
Modelling the ARMv8 Architecture, Operationally: Concurrency and ISA | 2016 | Shaked Flur; Kathryn E. Gray; Christopher Pulte; Susmit Sarkar; Ali Sezgin; L... |
TicToc: Time Traveling Optimistic Concurrency Control | 2016 | Xiangyao Yu; Andrew Pavlo; Daniel Sanchez; Srinivas Devadas |
A Promising Semantics for Relaxed-Memory Concurrency | 2017 | Jeehoon Kang; Chung-Kil Hur; Ori Lahav; Viktor Vafeiadis; Derek Dreyer |
Dancing with Decision Diagrams: A Combined Approach to Exact Cover | 2017 | Masaaki Nishino; Norihito Yasuda; Shin-ichi Minato; Masaaki Nagata |
GIMLI: a cross-platform permutation | 2017 | Daniel J. Bernstein; Stefan Kölbl; Stefan Lucks; Pedro Maat Costa Massolino; ... |
Mastering the game of Go without human knowledge | 2017 | David Silver; Julian Schrittwieser; Karen Simonyan; Ioannis Antonoglou; Aja H... |
Neural Episodic Control | 2017 | Alexander Pritzel; Benigno Uria; Sriram Srinivasan; Adria Puigdom; Oriol Viny... |
On the Completeness of the Traced Monoidal Category Axioms in (Rel,+) | 2017 | Miklós Bartha |
Seeing is Believing: A Client-Centric Specification of Database Isolation | 2017 | Natacha Crooks; Youer Pu; Lorenzo Alvisi; Allen Clement |
WPaxos: Wide Area Network Flexible Consensus | 2017 | Ailidani Ailijiang; Aleksey Charapko; Murat Demirbas; Tevfik Kosar |
A Unified Form of EVENODD and RDP Codes and Their Efficient Decoding | 2018 | Hanxu Hou; Yunghsiang S. Han; Kenneth W. Shum; Hui Li |
BDDs Naturally Represent Boolean Functions, and ZDDs Naturally Represent Sets of Sets | 2018 | Kensuke Kojima |
Beyond binary search: parallel in-place construction of implicit search tree layouts | 2018 | Kyle Berney; Henri Casanova; Alyssa Higuchi; Ben Karsin; Nodari Sitchinava |
CASPaxos: Replicated State Machines without logs | 2018 | Denis Rystsov |
Chronological Backtracking | 2018 | Alexander Nadel; Vadim Ryvchin |
Clay Codes: Moulding MDS Codes to Yield an MSR Code | 2018 | Myna Vajha; Vinayak Ramkumar; Bhagyashree Puranik; Ganesh Kini; Elita Lobo; B... |
DPaxos: Managing Data Closer to Users for Low-Latency and Mobile Applications | 2018 | Faisal Nawab; Divyakant Agrawal; Amr El Abbadi |
Extending the Algebraic Manipulability of Differentials | 2018 | Jonathan Bartlett; Asatur Zh. Khurshudyan |
Faster Population Counts Using AVX2 Instructions | 2018 | Wojciech Muła; Nathan Kurz; Daniel Lemire |
Linear logic for constructive mathematics | 2018 | Michael Shulman |
Optimal In-Place Suffix Sorting | 2018 | Zhize Li; Jian Li; Hongwei Huo |
Protocol-Aware Recovery for Consensus-Based Storage | 2018 | Ramnatthan Alagappan; Aishwarya Ganesan; Eric Lee; Aws Albarghouthi; Vijay Ch... |
Revisiting Enumerative Instantiation | 2018 | Andrew Reynolds; Haniel Barbosa; Pascal Fontaine |
SAT13 | 2018 | Donald E. Knuth |
SIPT: Speculatively Indexed, Physically Tagged Caches | 2018 | Tianhao Zheng; Haishun Zhu; Mattan Erez |
Scalable String and Suffix Sorting: Algorithms, Techniques, and Tools | 2018 | Timo Bingmann |
Simplifying ARM Concurrency: Multicopy-Atomic Axiomatic and Operational Models for ARMv8 | 2018 | Christopher Pulte; Shaked Flur; Will Deacon; Jon French; Susmit Sarkar; Peter... |
Single-Agent Policy Tree Search With Guarantees | 2018 | Laurent Orseau; Levi H. S. Lelis; Tor Lattimore; Théophane Weber |
The 2-Chu-Dialectica construction and the polycategory of multivariable adjunctions | 2018 | Michael Shulman |
Zip Trees | 2018 | Robert E. Tarjan; Caleb C. Levy; Stephen Timmel |
A Scalable, Portable, and Memory-Efficient Lock-Free FIFO Queue | 2019 | Ruslan Nikolaev |
A fork() in the road | 2019 | Andrew Baumann; Jonathan Appavoo; Orran Krieger; Timothy Roscoe |
Compact Fenwick trees for dynamic ranking and selection | 2019 | Stefano Marchini; Sebastiano Vigna |
Compiling with Continuations, or without? Whatever. | 2019 | Yoyou Cong; Leo Osvald; Grégory Essertel; Tiark Rompf |
Distributed Transactional Systems Cannot Be Fast | 2019 | Diego Didona; Panagiota Fatourou; Rachid Guerraoui; Jingjing Wang; Willy Zwae... |
Efficient Contraction of Large Tensor Networks for Weighted Model Counting through Graph Decompositions | 2019 | Jeffrey M. Dudek; Leonardo Dueñas-Osorio; Moshe Y. Vardi |
It Is High Time We Let Go Of The Mersenne Twister | 2019 | Sebastiano Vigna |
Linearizable Quorum Reads in Paxos | 2019 | Aleksey Charapko; Ailidani Ailijiang; Murat Demirbas |
Matchmaker Paxos: A Reconfigurable Consensus Protocol | 2019 | Michael Whittaker; Neil Giridharan; Adriana Szekeres; Joseph M. Hellerstein; ... |
Mimalloc: Free List Sharding in Action | 2019 | Daan Leijen; Benjamin Zorn; Leonardo de Moura |
RecSplit: Minimal Perfect Hashing via Recursive Splitting | 2019 | Emmanuel Esposito; Thomas Mueller Graf; Sebastiano Vigna |
Brief Announcement: On the Significance of Consecutive Ballots in Paxos | 2020 | Eli Goldweber; Nuda Zhang; Manos Kapritsos |
Concurrent Reference Counting and Resource Management in Constant Time | 2020 | Guy E. Blelloch; Yuanhao Wei |
Deciding the Consistency of Non-Linear Real Arithmetic Constraints with a Conflict Driven Search Using... | 2020 | Erika Ábrahám; James H. Davenport; Matthew England; Gereon Kremer |
Elementary Functions and Approximate Computing | 2020 | Jean-Michel Muller |
Meerkat: Multicore-Scalable Replicated Transactions Following the Zero-Coordination Principle | 2020 | Adriana Szekeres; Michael Whittaker; Jialin Li; Naveen Sharma; Arvind Krishna... |
On the Significance of Consecutive Ballots in Paxos | 2020 | Eli Goldweber; Nuda Zhang; Manos Kapritsos |
Paxos vs Raft: Have we reached consensus on distributed consensus? | 2020 | Heidi Howard; Richard Mortier |
Polar Stroking: New Theory and Methods for Stroking Paths | 2020 | Mark J. Kilgard |
Scaling Replicated State Machines with Compartmentalization | 2020 | Michael Whittaker; Ailidani Ailijiang; Aleksey Charapko; Muray Demirbas; Neil... |
Take A Way: Exploring the Security Implications of AMD's Cache Way Predictors | 2020 | Moritz Lipp; Vedad Hadžić; Michael Schwarz; Arthur Perais; Clémentine Maurice... |
Decomposing reverse-mode automatic differentiation | 2021 | Roy Frostig; Matthew J. Johnson; Dougal Maclaurin; Adam Paszke; Alexey Radul |
Exploiting Nil-Externality for Fast Replicated Storage | 2021 | Aishwarya Ganesan; Ramnatthan Alagappan; Andrea C. Arpaci-Dusseau; Remzi H. A... |
Fast Flexible Paxos: Relaxing Quorum Intersection for Fast Paxos | 2021 | Heidi Howard; Aleksey Charapko; Richard Mortier |
Metastable Failures in Distributed Systems | 2021 | Nathan Bronson; Abutalib Aghayev; Aleksey Charapko; Timothy Zhu |
Nudge: Stochastically Improving upon FCFS | 2021 | Isaac Grosof; Kunhe Yang; Ziv Scully; Mor Harchol-Balter |
RLIBM-32: High Performance Correctly Rounded Math Libraries for 32-bit Floating Point Representations | 2021 | Jay P. Lim; Santosh Nagarakatte |
Releasing Locks As Early As You Can: Reducing Contention of Hotspots by Violating Two-Phase Locking (E... | 2021 | Zhihan Guo; Kan Wu; Cong Yan; Xiangyao Yu |
SoK: A Generalized Multi-Leader State Machine Replication Tutorial | 2021 | Michael Whittaker; Neil Giridharan; Adriana Szekeres; Joseph M. Hellerstein; ... |
uiCA: Accurate Throughput Prediction of Basic Blocks on Recent Intel Microarchitectures | 2021 | Andreas Abel; Jan Reineke |
Convertible Codes: Enabling Efficient Conversion of Coded Data in Distributed Storage | 2022 | Francisco Maturana; K. V. Rashmi |
Cornus: Atomic Commit for a Cloud DBMS with Storage Disaggregation | 2022 | Zhihan Guo; Xinyu Zeng; Kan Wu; Wuh-Chwen Hwan; Ziwei Ren; Xiangyao Yu; Mahes... |
Finding Strong Components Using Depth-First Search | 2022 | Robert E. Tarjan; Uri Zwick |
Hydra : Resilient and Highly Available Remote Memory | 2022 | Youngmoon Lee; Hasan Al Maruf; Mosharaf Chowdhury; Asaf Cidon; Kang G. Shin |
Lock-Free Locks Revisited | 2022 | Naama Ben-David; Guy E. Blelloch; Yuanhao Wei |
New Decoding of Reed-Solomon Codes Based on FFT and Modular Approach | 2022 | Nianqi Tang; Yunghsiang S. Han |
Tight Bounds for Monotone Minimal Perfect Hashing | 2022 | Sepehr Assadi; Martín Farach-Colton; William Kuszmaul |
wCQ: A Fast Wait-Free Queue with Bounded Memory Usage | 2022 | Ruslan Nikolaev; Binoy Ravindran |
Distinct Elements in Streams: An Algorithm for the (Text) Book | 2023 | Sourav Chakraborty; N. V. Vinodchandran; Kuldeep S. Meel |
Distributed Transactions at Scale in Amazon DynamoDB | 2023 | Joseph Idziorek; Alex Keyes; Colin Lazier; Somu Perianayagam; Prithvi Ramanat... |
Explaining SAT Solving Using Causal Reasoning | 2023 | Jiong Yang; Arijit Shaw; Teodora Baluta; Mate Soos; Kuldeep S. Meel |
FIFO can be Better than LRU: the Power of Lazy Promotion and Quick Demotion | 2023 | Juncheng Yang; Ziyue Qiu; Yazhuo Zhang; Yao Yue; K. V. Rashmi |
QuePaxa: Escaping the Tyranny of Timeouts in Consensus | 2023 | Pasindu Tennage; Cristina Băsescu; Lefteris Kokoris-Kogias; Ewe Syta; Philipp... |
RowPress: Amplifying Read Disturbance in Modern DRAM Chips | 2023 | Haocong Luo; Ataberk Olgun; A. Giray Yağlıkçı; Yahya Can Tuğrul; Steve Rhyner... |
Second-Order Quantified Boolean Logic | 2023 | Jie-Hong R. Jiang |
What Modern NVMe Storage Can Do, And How To Exploit It: High-Performance I/O for High-Performance Stor... | 2023 | Gabriel Haas; Viktor Leis |
LazyLog: A New Shared Log Abstraction for Low-Latency Applications | 2024 | Xuhao Luo; Shreesha G. Bhat; Jiyu Hu; Ramnatthan Alagappan; Aishwarya Ganesan |
Repair I/O Optimization for Clay Codes via Gray-Code Based Sub-Chunk Reorganization in Ceph.pdf | 2024 | Baijian Ma; Yuchong Hu; Dan Feng; Ray Wu; Kevin Zhang |
What Cannot Be Implemented on Weak Memory? | 2024 | Armando Castañeda; Gregory Chockler; Brijesh Dongol; Ori Lahav |
What Cannot be Skipped About the Skiplist: A Survey of Skiplists and Their Applications in Big Data Sy... | 2024 | Venkata Sai Pavan Kumar Vadrevu; Lu Xing; Walid G. Aref |